Wednesday, 22 April 2009

Photography Lesson 1 Summary

In the first lesson on photography we covered the basic history of the art. Beginning with the idea of the camera obscurer; projecting an image through a small hole allowing a reverted image of whatever happens to be on otherside onto the wall.
  • Henry Fox Talbot creates positive and negative images and has a hand in the inspiration for the creation of the 1839 Daguerreotype, creating the first real, permanantly placed picture exposed onto a mirrored surface.
  • 1840 - The first photographic camera
  • 1888 - First Kodak Roll Film
  • 1913 - The first leica camera
  • 1975 - The first digital camera

In the second section of the lesson we were introduced to the Sim Cam, allowing us to play around the Appertures and F-stops on the camera shutter, experimenting with different levels of light exposer and how these effected the overall quality of the final image.

The basic concept of the F-stop can be confusing as they are reversed. The smaller the Aperture the higher the F-stop and the higher the Aperture the lower the F-stop, allowing different levels of light

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